A Brief History of High-Speed Rail by Qizhou Hu & Siyuan Qu

A Brief History of High-Speed Rail by Qizhou Hu & Siyuan Qu

Author:Qizhou Hu & Siyuan Qu
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9789811936357
Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

4.2.3 Development Trend of WHSR in America

Currently, there is no HSR in America, of which the United States may be the first country in North America to have HSR, and Brazil may be the first country in South America to have HSR.(1)

HSR in the United States. The United States was once the king of the rails in the world. The US rail freight is still in the leading position in the world, but the development of HSR in the United States is particularly slow: it proposed the HSR construction plan in the 1960s, but the Western California Interstate HSR is expected to be completed as early as 2020. There are several reasons for the slow development of HSR in the United States: low density population distribution, highly developed road network, the high penetration rate of automobiles and developed aviation industries, etc.

The United States hopes to create 11 HSR channels, three in the densely populated northeastern region, and then extends to Florida, the Northern coast of Mexico Gulf, the Midwest, Texas, the Pacific Northwest and California. The United States will develop one HSR network of 27,000 km in the next 20–30 years, as shown in Fig. 4.37.

Fig. 4.37HSR planning map of The Unite States


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